What makes Dal-Bac a great place to work?
Dal-Bac Manufacturing Company, Inc. is located in Forney, Texas only 20 miles east of Dallas, Texas and the Metroplex. We have been a leader in the laminator market for more than 40 years.

During this time Dal-Bac has expanded our services to include flame lamination, thermal fusing lamination, the application of coating solvents to flexible materials and converting processes. The processes and applications have changed and improved over time, but one thing hasn’t changed – our staff and our commitment to helping each other grow and exceed our client commitments.
Our Team Makes Dal-Bac A Great Place to Work
Don’t believe us? Ask Margarito. He’s been with Dal-Bac for more than 40 years. “ I like to give my best to Dal-Bac since this makes me feel that I’m making a difference at Dal-Bac, this is my home.”
Or, talk with Maria. She transferred to Dal-Bac from our sister company, Dallas Bias, and isn’t looking back. She brought knowledge and experience that helps us move ahead. “I like what I do. I like that I get recognized for my knowledge and my quality product. I also feel that Dal-Bac is my home. I focus on delivering the quality our customers need and I enjoy seeing our customer’s satisfaction with Dal-Bac’s products.”
A Quality Workforce Meets Customer Satisfaction
Dal-Bac regularly rates 90% on our employee satisfaction surveys. We believe this is important because we know that employee satisfaction directly relates to quality product delivery, on-time project completion, and overall customer satisfaction.
Dal-Bac’s management team recognizes our workforce’s efforts. This recognition contributes to our low turnover rate and great employee satisfaction.
If you are looking for a quality team that works together and make it enjoyable to come to work, join our team.
And to our potential customers, Dal-Bac has the team you need and will earn your trust as your laminator. Let us start the conversation. Contact us at 469-689-0964.
As a reminder, Dal-Bac will be closed Nov 23 and Nov 24th. Happy Thanksgiving and Thank you for making Dal-Bac a great please to work.